

Our Baptisms are a community celebration welcoming a person into our Catholic faith community.

Baptism of infants and young children are celebrated at the weekend liturgy, either Saturday at the 5:00pm Mass or Sunday at 7:30am or 9:30am Masses.  Registration for Baptism must be made two months prior to Baptism date.  Please call the Parish Office at (920) 729-4560 to begin the registration process.

Requirements for Preparation:

1. Parent(s) must be registered parishioner(s) practicing their faith and must participate in the baptism preparation class.

2. Please choose two sponsors for your child.  According to the canon law of the Catholic Church, they are to be one male and one female.  At least one sponsor must be a practicing and confirmed Catholic and be living a life which befits the role to be undertaken.

3.  Your baby's baptism is a time for celebration and joy.   We want to help you plan and prepare for the baptism in the best possible way.  Baptism preparation classes are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the evenings at the church.  Registration for classes is required by calling the Parish Office.

Baptism for Children of School Age, Young Adults and Adults

Individuals will receive separate instruction in Catholic faith before they choose to be baptized.  The length of instruction varies according to the age of the one seeking baptism. 

Parents of school age children and young adults, and adults please contact the Amy Bolle at (920) 729-4562 x112 or for more information.


Children in Grade Two are invited, with their families, to participate in the preparation process for First Communion. Our sacraments are parish based, therefore, all children whether in Catholic or Public School, participate in St. Margaret Mary's Sacramental program.

 First Communion for Adults

Adults who are baptized Catholic but did not receive the sacrament of First Communion may contact Amy Bolle at the Parish Office to discuss participation in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program.

For more information, contact Amy Bolle at 729-4562 x112 or email at


Private weekly reconciliation is offered each Tuesday at 4:00 pm prior to the 5:15 pm Mass. Individual reconciliation is available at other times by appointment with Father Dennis. Contact Father Dennis at 729-4560 or

Each Advent and Lent we offer a Communal Reconciliation Service where we pray and sing together, reflect on our personal lives and prepare for individual confession, if desired.  See Advent and Lenten season bulletins for the scheduled date and time.

Young people in Grade Two are invited with their families to participate in the preparation sessions for First Reconciliation. Since our sacraments are parish based, all children whether in Catholic or public school, participate in St. Margaret Mary's Sacramental program. For more information contact Amy Bolle at 729-4562 x112 or


The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to young people in their Junior year of High School.  They are invited with their families to participate in the preparation sessions for Confirmation. Since our sacraments are parish based, all young adults, whether in Catholic or Public School, participate in St. Margaret Mary's Sacramental program.  For more information, contact Amy Bolle at 729-4560 x112 or

Confirmation Preparation classes take place usually the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month starting in September.  There are a few exceptions to this schedule.  Once a young adult is registered for Confirmation, a schedule will be handed out to him/her.


In preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony, we ask that you contact the Parish Office at least 4 to 6 months in advance of your desired wedding date to reserve your date on the church calendar.  We will also assist in making an appointment to meet with Fr. Dennis to begin your marriage preparation.


The sacrament of God's healing and strength is for anyone who is suffering with emotional, mental or physical illnesses.  We offer Healing Masses with anointing twice a year in October and May.

Individuals may also request Anointing of the Sick in the hospital, nursing care facilities, before surgeries, during recovery, etc.  Please contact Fr. Dennis to make an appointment for an individual Sacrament of the Sick.