Adoration Chapel






The Twin Cities Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, attached to St. Margaret Mary Church, is for everyone!  It is a cooperative effort among the Catholic parishes in Neenah (St. Margaret Mary and St. Gabriel) and those in Menasha (St. Patrick, St. Mary and St. John).   

Although the existing chapel, which seats 12, was built in 2003 when St. Margaret Mary Church underwent renovation, Twin Cities Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration has been celebrated for 15+ years.

More than 200 volunteers set aside an hour each week, as the chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   Those who come say that prayer in the chapel helps them become more aware of the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and deepens their personal relationship with Jesus.  People may choose to pray the rosary, do spiritual reading, read or pray from the Bible, or speak to Jesus, heart to heart, as one does with a friend. For more information please contact Ed Scanlan through the St. Margaret Mary Parish Office. Please visit our Facebook page at:

If you would like to visit the chapel to spend some quite time with the Lord, please call the Parish Office at (920) 729-4560 to receive the access code to enter the locked door to the chapel.  For a virtual tour of the chapel please click HERE.